Saturday, March 13, 2010

cooking classes > try out the vegetarian spark.....

cooking classes > try out the vegetarian spark.....: "hi!!! everyone....come nd join me nd experience the vegetarian cooking from the city of joy kolkata.......learn the....1> north indian, 2> chinese 3"

Friday, March 12, 2010

also learn beading mats and table runners from the city of ahmedabad.......
learn vegetable and fruits crafting............from bangalore

come and join the cooking fantasy........
  1. north indian
  2. chinese
  3. mexican
  4. italian
  5. breakfasts
  6. snacks
  7. kebabs and sizzlers
  8. south indian
  9. mocktails
  10. cakes and desserts
  11. day to day cooking

vegetarian cooking classes in Bangalore-the city of garden from the city of joy-Kolkata